Welcome to EmbyShares UPDATED 12/25/24
r/EmbyShares was the biggest Reddit community where you could choose a plex provider. The r/EmbyShares Reddit has been closed on 05/19/2022.
Below you are able to find a list with the providers.
If you are a provider and would like to be added/removed from the list please submit a request here:Discord.
Providers (emby, jellyfin, plex)
This website is managed by an independent person who is not affiliated with any of the providers mentioned below.
Duck Entertainment
- Products: Emby Shares, Plex Shares, TV
- Discord - https://discord.iduck.xyz
- Whatsaps - 16602235880
- Website - Duck
- Content - 30K M, 30K TV Shows / Anime, Kids, Spanish, hindi, XXX 4K
- Server location - EU
- CDN - US, EU map
- Prices - 10$/month, multiple plans
- Payment type - Paypal, Crypto
- 2 connections standard
- Products: Emby Shares, Plex Shares
- Discord - https://discord.gg/jCh9QsyxUH
- Telegram
- Content - 25K M, 10K TV Shows / Anime, Kids, 4K
- Server location - EU
- CDN - ?
- Prices - 10$/month, multiple plans
- Payment type - Paypal, Crypto
Project Valhalla
- Products: Emby Shares, Plex Appboxes
- Website - https://projectvalhalla.eu/
- Discord - No longer valid as of 01/2024
- Content - 56K M, 8.5K TV Shows / Anime, Kids
- Server location - EU & US
- CDN - Yes
- Prices - 7€/month, multiple plans available
- Payment type - PayPal
Diamond Media
- Products: Emby Shares, Plex Appboxes
- Discord - https://discord.gg/DNJCD7y
- Content - 73K M, 21K TV Shows / 4K, 4K DV, Anime
- Server location - EU & US
- CDN - Yes
- Prices - 10$/month, multiple plans
- Payment type - Paypal, Crypto
- Products: Plex & Emby shares
- Discord - https://discord.gg/PFc3KkyT
- Content - 70K M, 20K TV Shows / 4K, 4K DV, Kids TV, Anime
- Server location - US
- CDN - Yes
- Prices - $15/m 1 stream, aditional streams at 5$
- Payment type - Paypal, Crypto
Founder Plex
- Products: Plex, Jellyfin and Emby shares
- Discord - Need new link !
- Content - 33K M, 9K TV Shows / 4K, Kids
- Server location - US & NL
- CDN - ?
- Prices - 10$/month, multiple plans
- Payment type - Paypal, Crypto
Rogue Streamz
- Products: Emby & Plex Appboxes and Shares
- Website - Need new link !
- Discord - Need new link !
- Content - 24K M, 10K TV Shows / 4K, Anime, Kids
- Server location - US & EU
- CDN - Yes
- Prices - 8$/month, multiple plans
- Payment type - Paypal
PlexStory Inc
- Website - No
- Discord - Need new link !
- Content - 27K M, 10K TV Shows / 4K, Anime
- Server location - US&EU
- CDN - Yes
- Prices - 11$/month, multiple plans
- Payment type - Paypal
If you are a provider please submit a request at: Discord.
Clones from Shares, to keep updated